Valencia and beyond: During the weekends, we will enjoy organised trips to some cities close to Valencia (Xàbea, Xàtiva, Morella, La Albufera, etc.) where we will feel the Valencia idiosyncrasy.
Looking for the treasure: a funny gymkhana in groups that will be enjoyed by children; it is an outdoors activity that will take place in the Viveros garden and in the old riverbed of Turia.
Under the sea: During the summer, we will offer water activities in our beaches such as snorkel, kayak or sailing in a catamaran.
Sport: in our academy we are concerned about the implementation of sport in the life of the young people because we think it is a tool to socialize and also a good way to improve and learn the language while keeping fit. Thus, we offer sport activities such as football, volleyball, hockey, skating, etc.
More culture: with our teaching board, we will ensure you that you will continually learn through the attendance to every single cultural aspect in the city. If you like the theatre, the poetry, the cinema criticism and the music, we will take you to live cultural experiences that you will never forget.
Our festivities: Depending on the time of the year, we will make you enjoy any festival taking place in that moment in Valencia. Throughout the year, we will attend dinner parties, night festivities and so on…
- In January: we will see the Reyes Magos parade and we will eat all together the famous dessert called “Roscón”.
- In February: we will have fun in the Carnavales of Ruzafa, allowing us to know this neighbourhood and enjoying its funniest days!
- In March: during las Fallas we will offer guided tours to know more about this festival and we will attend the most important events (Mascletà, Cremà…)
- In April: we will know what the Semana Santa looks like and we will taste some sweet products (La mona y los Huevos de Pascua).
- In summer: we will visit several beaches and we will attend to some events taking place in these dates (San Juan, concerts…). Moreover, we will also visit some towns and cities next to Valencia that celebrate their own festivals (Tomatina, San Fermines…). I will be an incredible experience.
C/Micer Mascó, 2, 46010 (Valéncia)
Call us:
Landline: 963 25 61 98 | Mobile: 631 387 598
If you have any doubt, send us an email:
Morning 09:00 h – 14:00 h
Evenings 15:00 h – 20:30 h
You come by
Underground: 32, 9, 29, 81, 79, 1, 6, 8, 11, 16
Bus: 3, 5, 7, 9